This document regulates the Privacy and Cookies Policy of the website operated in the domain (hereinafter referred to as the Website). MPM Productivity Management Sp. z o. o. (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider) exercises all due diligence to respect the privacy of the Website Users.


The administrator of personal data contained on the website is MPM Productivity Management Sp. z o. o., ul. Winiary 16/10, 60-665 Poznań, entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division, under no. 0000037952, NIP no.: 779-20-11-571; Share capital: PLN 50,000.00, paid-in capital: PLN 50,000.00


Providing personal data of users using services provided electronically via the Website is voluntary. The data will be processed solely for the purpose of carrying out activities performed at your request after concluding the contract, for the purpose of sending training and marketing information, which is the legally justified interest of the Data Administrator pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f) in connection with with recital 47 of the GDPR preamble, as well as for the purpose of providing a training service by MPM, pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter b) GDPR.

The data will be stored for a period of 10 years from the date of last contact.

Personal data may be made available by MPM to companies affiliated with MPM in order to enable them to send you training and marketing information, which will constitute the implementation of the legally justified objectives of the Data Administrator and these companies, based on Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR.

The data will not be subject to automated decision-making processes, including profiling.

The administrator does not share data or transfer data to a third country/international organization

The personal data administrator exercises special and due care to protect the rights of Users whose data are processed, and in particular ensures that the data is:

• Processed in accordance with the law,
• Collected for the lawful purposes specified in this document,
• Not subjected to further processing incompatible with the above purposes,
• Substantively correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed,
• Properly secured,
• Stored in a form enabling identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.

The personal data administrator reserves that, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act, they may entrust the processing of personal data of Users whose data they administer to other companies in order for these companies to properly perform activities related to the administration, maintenance and management of the Website, as well as to pursue claims, and an explanation of the circumstances of prohibited use of services provided electronically.

These may be, for example, the hosting provider, accounting or legal services, payment operator or other entity with which we cooperate in order to properly provide services. Personal data is always entrusted on the basis of a written data entrustment agreement. The current list of entities to which we entrust data processing is constantly available to all customers. To gain access to it, simply contact us with such a request. This can be done, for example, by sending an e-mail.


We process our clients' personal data in systematic files, which we define by the purpose of their processing. We process this data to the extent necessary to achieve the stated purpose. The list below includes activities, scopes and purposes of data processing.

Processing activities

Scope of processed data

Aim of processing

Collecting applications for training using the application form

• First name and last name
• Place of employment
• E-mail address
• Position
• Phone number

The fulfillment of agreements made with participants (or their employers) of training sessions organized by the Service Provider.

Newsletter distribution

• E-mail address
• First name and last name
• Place of employment

Direct marketing of training sessions, conferences, and free events offered by the Service Provider.

Gaining access to the demo version of the TFC simulator

• First name and last name
• E-mail address
• Place of employment
• Phone number

Direct marketing, conducting promotional campaigns, and informational activities regarding the International Supply Chain Management Competition - Global Challenge SCM, of which the Service Provider is a partner in Poland.


In connection with the processing of personal data, Users have the following rights:

• The right to access your data,
• The right to correct your data,
• The right to request supplementation, updating, rectification of personal data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing or their deletion if they are incomplete, outdated, false or were collected     in violation of the Act or are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected,
• The right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes at any time.
• The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

We may provide system functionalities that enable the implementation of these rights. If you wish to use the above-mentioned rights, please contact us in accordance with the instructions in point 11 of the Privacy and Cookies Policy.


These are internal event logs of the Website's server, automatically recording page requests sent when Users visit its websites. System logs contain the page request sent by the User, IP address, browser type, browser language, date and time of the request and at least one "cookie" file that can uniquely identify the User's browser.


These are small files containing a string of characters that are sent and saved on the end device (e.g. computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) used by the User when visiting the Website. This information is sent to the clipboard of the browser used, which sends it back the next time you visit the website. "Cookies" contain information necessary for the proper use of the website Most often, they contain the name of the website they come from, the time of their storage on the end device and a unique number.

These files allow the User's device to be recognized and the Website page tailored to his/her individual expectations to be displayed, which makes using the website easier and more enjoyable. By saving these files on the User's device, it is possible, among others, to: remembering login data, maintaining the session after logging in or adapting the website to the User's preferences, such as content arrangement, language or color.

What cookies are used?

The website mainly uses three categories of "cookies":

  • Necessary files - these files enable the proper operation of the Website and the functionalities that the User wants to use, e.g. authentication cookies. Without saving them on the User's device, it is impossible to use the Website.
  • Functional files - files enabling remembering the settings selected by the User and adapting them to his needs, e.g. in terms of the selected language, font size, appearance of the website. They allow the Service Provider to improve the functionality and performance of the website.
  • Business files – this category includes, for example, advertising cookies. They enable the implementation of the business model. Blocking them may reduce the level of service provision due to the Service Provider's inability to generate revenues that subsidize the operation of the Website, but it will not result in the unavailability of all website functionality.

In terms of their validity period, we distinguish two categories of cookies:

  • session files – existing until the end of a given User session,
  • permanent files – existing after the User completes the session.

In terms of distinguishing the entity administering cookies, we distinguish:

  • Service Provider's cookies,
  • Third party cookies.


Most often, browser settings allow cookies to be placed on the end device by default. If the User does not agree to saving these files, it is necessary to change the web browser settings accordingly. It is possible to disable the saving of cookies for all connections from a given browser or for a specific website, as well as to delete them. The method of managing cookies depends on the software used, therefore detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling them can be found in the settings of the web browser used to connect to the Website.

To manage cookie settings, select your web browser/system from the list below and follow the instructions:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Chrome
  3. Safari
  4. Firefox
  5. Opera
  6. Android
  7. Safari (iOS)
  8. Windows Phone
  9. Blackberry

In terms of information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit information resulting from cookies using the Google Ads Preferences  tool.

Information about managing cookies on a mobile phone can be found in the User Manual of the given phone.

Consent to the processing of cookies is voluntary. However, please remember that restrictions on their use may make it difficult or impossible to use the services offered on the Website.


Data collected in system logs are used by the Service Provider for an indefinite period of time solely for the purpose of administering the Website. They are not transferred to third parties, except in the circumstances described in this document.

In connection with the use of the Website by Users, we may automatically collect and save server log technical details regarding the use of services, requests sent by the User related to the provision of services by electronic means, IP address and technical data on the operation of the Website in connection with activities made by the User, in particular information about the beginning, end and scope of each use of the service provided electronically. We may also collect information to store it locally on your device using your browser's storage mechanism.

When providing services to Users, we use professional technologies to collect and save information, such as "cookies". Google may also have access to cookie data via Google Analytics and Google Adwords tools in order to prepare traffic statistics and the effectiveness of promotional campaigns carried out by the Service Provider using the above-mentioned tools.

Data collected on the Website is stored on external, safe and professional servers, based on contracts concluded by the Service Provider. The Service Provider takes appropriate precautions to protect Users' personal data against unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure and unlawful use. Only the Users themselves, the Service Provider and the third parties indicated in this document are authorized to process the data of the Website Users.


The website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies applicable on these websites. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these websites after visiting them.


The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy and cookies. In this case, we will publish an updated version in this location.


We make every effort to process Users' personal data and cookies in accordance with the highest standards. That is why we have implemented a system for immediate response to situations that threaten these standards. If you identify a threat or violation, please contact us immediately using the details below:


MPM Productivity Management Sp. z o.o.

Mailing address: ul. Śląska 2a, 60-614 Poznań


We'd love to hear any feedback. Therefore, if you have any questions, requests or doubts related to the processing of personal data or cookies, please contact us.

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