DDP / Demand Driven Planner


The training focuses on introducing concepts from DDMRP standard ( DDI/ASCM) and presenting  method materials requirement planning based on defined demand, using Lean Manufacturing, Theory of Constrains, SixSigma, MRP, DRP in an innovative way supporting the flow of information, materials / goods.

The intensive two-days course presents issues related to managing the availability of materials for production and goods for distribution, methods of determining buffers (parametrization of inventories), principles of LT decoupling, supporting and protecting the availability of relevant information for material planning.

It also allows understanding the basics of the DDMRP methodology regarding modeling, planning and supply chain management, enabling the reduction of unnecessary inventories, minimizing the risk of material shortages and significantly supporting customer service.

Thanks to deep introduction, the training allows you to understand what it means to be “demand driven” and what is the difference between “forecast driven” and “demand driven”.


  • Is the volatility of your market growing?
  • Does uncertainty about forecasts and demand cause growing inventory?
  • Due to the increasing complexity and ambiguity of customer expectations do you have to face lack of materials for production / goods for distribution?
  • Wondering how to protect the flow of information to perform the right action in right time? 
  • You want to know, which materials/goods, when and in what quantity will be needed to ensure the highest level of customer service? 
  • What to do if the growing exception messages makes it impossible to prioritize?
  • Want to know how Lean Manufacturing / ToC / SixSigma can support planning? And learn an innovative approach to manage supply, operations and distribution?
  • You are a professional in supply chain, operations or planning management? Or are you a student curious about the new approach?

The DDP training introduce the world of DDMRP methodology. DEMAND DRIVEN MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING develops the APICS/ASCM standard and allows the organization to be prepared for the growing requirements of Customers.

The DDMRP method incorporates  and clearly allows the use of Lean Manufacturing, Theory of Constrains, SixSigma, Material Requirements Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning tools supporting an innovative approach to planning.

During the DDP training we present the main definitions and assumptions of the DDMRP  in a systematic way presenting the basics, environment and DDMRP methodology to protect, position inventory management to significantly support Customer Service.

A framework discussion of market environment and challenges facing planning and operations allows to focus on protecting and promoting flow (information and materials) and thinking about how to avoid situations, when we have too many or not enough materials/goods. Taking into account growing volatility , complexity customer expectations, pression on stock reduction and decreasing customer tolerance for waiting  .

The next step is introduction into world of DDMRP. What is DDOM – Demand Driven Operating Model. 

This leads us to the analysis how and why decouple the flow of information and materials:

  • First, we introduce methods of strategic inventory positioning by learning the criteria (Decoupled Lead Time) and analyze BOM structure and impact on inventory management. We are looking for methods to optimize inventory usage with shortening MLT (Manufacturing Lead Time);
  • We learn the unique factors of inventory positioning in distribution networks, and how to determine the Flow Index
  • Where and why position the Buffer and how calculate Buffer sizes;
  • Which activities require the involvement of planner, which can be “automatic”; how and why calculate corrections?

Knowing above, we are able to focus at order-based planning – DDMRP. We define order of operations, learn mechanism of order creation and priority management.

Looking at planning simulation we can apply method we learned and observe the behavior of planning system.  .

At the end if the introduction to the world of DDOM (Demand Driven Operating Model) we discuss the role of DDMRP in Demand Driven S&OP (Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning). How data adaptation and analysis support business activities and protects against market volatility. We discuss potential benefits and the next steps that should be considered for DDMRP implementation. We recall basic concepts , principles and logic of DDMRP.


  • To learn a concept and understand the basic of DDMRP in supply chain management;
  • DDMRP mechanism analyzing by examples;
  • Introduction for comparison of DDMRP and classic MRP material flow management;
  • Provide methodology for planning decisions;


  • Planning in the modern world (changes in business environment, in MRP);
  • The importance of flow, (The Plossl’s Law of flow; Bullwhip effect);
  • Intentional processes separation;  
  • Business driven by real demand (MRP vs Lean; DDOM);
  • Strategic inventory positioning  (Decoupled LT);
  • Positioning in a distribution network;
  • Buffers sizing – how to group, profile and calculate; 
  • Dynamic adjustments of buffers:
  • Principles of demand driven planning;
  • DDMRP in the company’s operational environment (requirements for strategical buffers, safety stock comparison , ROP;  MRP and Lean Manufacturing methodology);
  • DD S&OP – Demand Driven Sales and Operations Planning;
  • Training summary and knowledge consolidation (logic, elements and principles of DDMRP, review of potential benefits, recommended steps into DDOM.

Course Format:

  • 2 days for 8 hours;
  • An interactive lecture based on multimedia presentation  and Demand Driven Institute materials; 
  • As part of training, participants perform practical exercises;
  • The participant receives a printout presentation as a bound notebook in order to make notes;
  • The participant receives a certificate of completion with the DDI logo.

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