MPP. Master Planning Policy: S&OP and MPS

During the training, we delve into essential aspects of Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRPII), encompassing demand forecasting and management, sales and operations planning, and the establishment and oversight of the master production schedule.

Training Description (MPP):

  • Where to start the process of implementing the MRPII (Manufacturing Resources Planning) system in a company?
  • What specific tasks should be undertaken to initiate the system's development?
  • What resources will be necessary in a year to meet market requirements?
  • How does the approved S&OP plan feed into MPS planning, and what parameters must be defined in the system for the algorithm to generate reliable results?

The training offers a comprehensive exploration of the MRPII system's functionality, focusing on advanced resource planning and the prerequisites for achieving and upholding desired quality standards. It instills confidence and serves as a practical roadmap for instigating organizational changes within the company.

Years of supply chain management experience reveal that attempts to address planning and production control issues often occur within narrow confines, such as specific roles or defined skill sets. Our training adopts a systemic approach to planning quality and plan execution, providing participants with a broader perspective on these crucial aspects.

Even in companies where planning systems are frequently discussed, conversations often center around dissatisfaction with recently acquired MRPII/ERP software. Despite being touted as modern planning systems by their providers, they may not meet the company's expectations.

With an understanding of the principles and mechanisms governing the MRPII (Manufacturing Resources Planning) system, aimed at achieving consistent demand management at a desired level of quality and profitability, we inquire: where does the process of implementing this system in my company begin? Which aspect of this system should be prioritized in its development? What specific tasks are necessary to initiate the system's development? Moreover, which methods and techniques should be employed to ensure that we are constructing an integrated planning and control system, rather than a mere collection of individual algorithms?

In pursuit of these precise answers, we extend an invitation to participate in our specialized training program focused on superior resource planning – the Master Planning Policy (MPP).

During this training, our primary focus will be on three fundamental areas essential for the integrated planning and control system MRPII:

  • Forecasting demand for the company's products and services, and effectively managing it (Forecasting).
  • Implementing Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP).
  • Establishing and managing the master production schedule (MPS – Master Production Scheduling).

The training adheres to the standards set by the APICS organization. Furthermore, our project-oriented approach towards defining and implementing an effective decision support system within the company, emphasizing the continuous balancing of demand with supply while optimizing customer service quality and related costs, prompted us to enhance the training's practical problem-solving section.

The core of our case study exercises will draw primarily from real challenges encountered by companies, offering practical insights applicable to anyone seeking operational improvement.

For participants aiming to apply the training knowledge directly within their organizations, we provide post-training tasks and materials featuring model implementation plans.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain insight into how the quality of the forecasting process impacts decision-making quality in planning.
  • Learn various measures, indicators, methods, and techniques for demand forecasting.
  • Understand the procedure for developing, implementing, and enhancing the demand forecasting process within the company, along with effective evaluation of forecast quality.
  • Recognize the significance of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) within the MRPII system and grasp the principles governing the distribution of competencies and responsibilities among S&OP planning participants.
  • Develop skills in crafting an S&OP plan tailored to specific customer service strategies, foreseeing present and future obstacles to plan execution within the designated planning horizon, and proposing potential solutions to anticipated issues.
  • Explore the alignment between operational planning at the master production schedule (MPS) level and strategic planning at the business plan level.
  • Familiarize yourself with the essential functionalities for attaining a competitive edge in production planning within the master production schedule (MPS), and the prerequisites for sustaining this advantage.
  • Learn best practices in managing the master production schedule (MPS).


  • Forecasting demand
  • Sales and production planning process (Sales and Operations Planning, S&OP)
  • Creating the master production schedule MPS (Master Production Schedule)
  • Managing the master production schedule MPS
  • Plan control and performance measurement

Course Format:

  • Online training: 4 days, 8 live sessions with a trainer, exercises, 10-15 min videos for selected sessions, printed Polish-language training materials.
  • On-site training: 3 days, 8 sessions, exercises, printed Polish-language training materials.
  • Interactive workshop based on a multimedia presentation and trainers' original materials.
  • Participants perform practical exercises illustrating the discussed issues and proposing specific concepts for practical problem-solving (working on case studies).
  • Action learning – post-training tasks.
  • Participants receive practical materials containing model implementation plans.
  • Handbook (printed) in Polish – for online and e-learning training, sent before the training to the specified address.
  • Diploma of completion of training signed with the MPM logo.

Recommended Introductory Training:

If you are considering implementing S&OP in your organization, want to optimize its processes, or would like to take care of forecasting processes in your company, check out our implementation paths for:

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