PSC. Production Scheduling & Control

The PSC training focuses on two pivotal areas that collectively shape an integrated Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) system:

  • Scheduling and controlling production
  • Production (layout, structure)

Training Description:

The training delves into two critical domains: production scheduling and control, as well as the production itself. While the latter area falls solely under the jurisdiction of another department, the former may occasionally come under the purview of planning or the supply chain. This distinction sets it apart from other integrated planning processes, creating an interconnected, even intertwined, system: I schedule as permitted by production (specifically, technology, layout, and production structure), and conversely, I produce as directed by schedules. In essence, changes on one side prompt changes on the other, and vice versa.

So, we must adapt together, collaboratively.

A pivotal aspect, even a boundary condition, is the priority list. Yes! Previous modules covered the processes in integrated planning (S&OP, MPS, and MRP) that deal with this. Drawing from our experiences, we unequivocally assert that without a clear, consistent priority list, whether established through integrated planning processes or by some magical means, organizing the scheduling area will yield limited results. Continuous shifts in priorities, indicative of managerial dynamism, can introduce unnecessary tension and disorder. Moreover, such perpetual disorder will also thwart any changes, for which time and a measure of composure are necessary.

From the above, it's clear: PSC is the fourth module—not the first, not the second. Another point, in addition to the logical sequence mentioned above, is that in most companies, the Production Activity Control (PAC) area operates and functions, whether better or worse, with varying degrees of effort from schedulers. Typically, improving this area is not a top priority for the company. Of course, if we have the necessary resources (S&OP is functioning), we have components (MPS and MRP are operational), and the only issue is execution, then yes, let's focus on PAC.

Designed for this purpose is the training dedicated to production scheduling and control policy – PSC (Production Scheduling & Control).

The training, as always, adheres to APICS organizational standards. However, the topics covered are not solely inventions or constructions of this organization. CRP is an area developed by APICS. ToC (Theory of Constraints) is Eli Goldratt's concept for production management (and more). Only after 15 years of operation in various industries, across different continents, has this subject matter been acknowledged as good and proven practice. The same applies to the third element of PSC training—Lean. Similarly, the philosophy's originator and the creators of a set of specific tools are Toyota employees. We draw from their expertise and present this knowledge, which, after 30-40 years, has been embraced by the entire world.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore production scheduling methods and analyze the repercussions of alterations and deviations on plan execution.
  • Investigate the influence of factory layout on scheduling and workflow; examine control methods for inputs and outputs, particularly in "push" systems, and strategies for task queuing.
  • Examine bottleneck management, cycle time regulation, as well as reporting and data collection methodologies.
  • Evaluate the production landscape within a "pull" system, delineating its advantages and limitations.
  • Delve into the process of change and enhancement within the scheduling and production realm.


  • Overview of planning, execution, and control
  • Production and process scheduling
  • Authorization, execution, and reporting in "push" systems
  • Authorization, execution, and reporting in scheduling according to the Theory of Constraints
  • Authorization, execution, and reporting in "pull" systems
  • Continuous improvement in scheduling and production

Course Format:

  • Online training: 8 live sessions with a trainer, exercises, 10-15 min videos for selected sessions, printed Polish-language training materials.
  • On-site training: 3 days,  8 sessions, exercises, printed Polish-language training materials.
  • Interactive workshop based on a multimedia presentation and trainers' original materials.
  • Participants perform practical exercises illustrating the discussed issues and proposing specific concepts for practical problem-solving.
  • Handbook (printed) in Polish – for online and e-learning training, sent before the training to the specified address.
  • Diploma of completion of training signed with the MPM logo.

Participants' Profile:

The training is aimed at employees involved in planning, production, and scheduling.

Recommended Introductory Training:

If you are considering implementing production scheduling in your organization, want to optimize its processes, check out our implementation path for:

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