Supply Chain Management

SCM. Supply Chain Management

SCM. Supply Chain Management - Supply Chain Management is a training opening the Focused Supply Chain series, devoted to supply chain management and production control. The training organizes and provides a solid portion of knowledge in the field of an integrated planning system . It is implemented based on the best global standards, including: APICS organization (creators of MRP, MPRII) and Oliver Wight's organization, which invented and supports the implementation of integrated MRPII/ERP planning.


  • How to find balance between inventory volume and performance?
  • How do you maintain this balance when changes occur daily?
  • How to build one common plan for sales, production and supply?
  • How to properly divide competences in planning?
  • How to use IT tools more effectively in planning?

The framework of knowledge about planning and controlling flows (materials, information, money, etc.) in the supply chain, included in the SCM training, allows for a systematic understanding of the essence of production management and related processes. SCM teaches not so much how to "put out the fires that keep breaking out" in enterprise management, but how to build a system that minimizes the chance of their occurrence.

Even if we have large supplies, it often turns out that we have a lot of what is unnecessary and what is urgent is missing. Known?

If you are interested in improving supply chain processes; the issue of timeliness ; quantitative material supply (from the supplier to the recipient); availability , stock size (reduction pressure); excess stock of unnecessary elements and shortage of necessary elements, during the training you will learn methods of coordinating this process .

During the training, the main principles, methods and techniques governing the main areas of the MRPII system will be discussed (including: forecasting and demand management, master resource planning, material demand planning, detailed examination of the availability of required resources, scheduling and operational control, continuous improvement).

The training program meets the expectations of people who want to effectively implement the knowledge acquired during the training - this is supported by model implementation plans, an ABCD checklist for enterprise self-assessment (built on the basis of the guidelines of Oliver Wight's organization, which supports the implementation of integrated MRPII planning /ERP) and other tools obtained during and after the training.


  • Understanding the essence and functionality of a systemic approach to the problem of planning the use of company resources and controlling the processes of their use
  • Understanding the hierarchical order of the integrated MRPII planning system and learning about the competences and responsibilities of its participants
  • Learning the main principles, methods and techniques governing the main areas of the MRPII system, in particular the areas:
    • forecasting and demand management,
    • superior resource planning,
    • material demand planning,
    • detailed study of the availability of required resources,
    • scheduling and operational control,
    • continuous improvement.


This training is addressed to all participants of processes related to planning, production, distribution, supply, etc.


  • Introduction to SCM issues
  • The role of strategy in building a value chain
  • Conflict in the Organization
  • Forecasting
  • Sales and Operations Planning S&OP
  • MPS and MRP mechanics
  • MPS and MRP dynamics
  • Control and execution of PAC operations
  • Capacity management and production systems
  • Continuous improvement


On-site training: 3 days, 8 sessions, exercises, interactive workshop based on a multimedia presentation
Online training: 4 days, 8 live sessions with a trainer, exercises, 10-15 min videos for selected sessions

Training participants, regardless of format:

  • perform practical exercises illustrating the issues discussed and proposing specific concepts for practical solutions to problems (work on case studies)
  • they receive Action learning - tasks to complete
  • they receive practical materials containing the ABCD Checklist (a checklist for enterprise self-assessment based on the guidelines of Oliver Wight's organization, which supports the implementation of integrated MRPII/ERP planning), adapted to the conditions on our market. The form contains questions about the elements without which integrated planning will not function
  • they receive a (printed) Polish-language manual - in the case of online training, sent to the indicated address
  • they receive a diploma of completion of training signed with the MPM logo


If you are considering implementing the S&OP process in your organization, want to optimize forecasting or scheduling processes, or want to take care of inventory management processes , check out our implementation paths for:

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